Almost 40 years have transpired since 1968 Democtratic Presidential front- runner Robert Kennedy was shot and killed by Sirhan Sirhan in a Los Angeles Hotel. Kennedy, then the junior senator from New York and fomer Attorney General of the United States under his older brother John F. Kennedy.
Many historians and other astute observers of American life and politics have often asked the question "What if Bobby Kennedy lived?"
1968 was one of the most turmoil filled years in American history and the country was almost torn apart over the Vietnam War.
The war in Southeast Asia had greatly divided the country and was very unpopular, so much so it caused then President Lyndon Baines Johnson not to seek re-election.
Bobby Kennedy was a vocal opponent of the Vietnam War, if he had lived and won election as President in 1968, would he have stopped the war sooner? Would many American troops have survived?
An estimated 58,000 American men died in the War in Vietnam, if Bobby Kennedy became president would many of those men lived?
The Bible says in Ephesians 1:11 that" God works all things after the counsel of His will", so was not God ultimately responsible for the death of Bobby Kennedy and the continuation of the Vietnam War that ultimately came to an end in 1975 with the fall of Saigon?
So the question must be asked, "Who Shot Bobby Kennedy?"