“You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain, for the LORD will not hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain" (Exodus 20:7).
Last night I went over to the local Brea movie house with some of my best friends and watched King Kong. One thing is certain, King Kong is one of the best films of the year and in my humble estimation, much better than the Chronicles of Narnia, at least in the special effects department.
And Regarding the Chronicles of Narnia, I am beginning to wonder if the movies depiction of Magic, fawn's cenataur's and other pagan imagary makes it much different than the Harry Potter series.
It is doubtful that there has ever been a film with as good as special effects as King Kong, produced and directed by Peter Jackson, the director of the Lord of the Rings, yet I was particularly grieved when I heard actor Jack Black take God's name in vain throughout the picture.
In general, I have become very concerned about my viewing of films that take God's name in vain. Deep down inside, I am beginning to wonder if Almighty God wants me to view films that continually blashpheme His holy name.
God's name is glorious and His name is to be feared throughout the earth, yet, now His name has become a common swear word by the pagans, whose destruction will be swift, when the Lord arises to judge the earth.
I for one am sick and tired of hearing God's name being taken in vain in these secular films, irrespective if they have cool special effects or not.
Attending secular films is an issue of individual conscience for every Christian and I will not begin to suggest that a Christian can or cannot see such and such movie, but my conscience is bothered by many of these things and I am wondering if I should attend movies that depict magic and take God's name in vain.