Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Why the Trinity Matters

“For unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given; And the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.”

Isaiah 9:6

As Christmas draws nigh, while most of us scurry about town in a frenzied panic, frequenting malls, and other consumer orientated Mecca’s, in search of that perfect Yuletide gift, it is perfectly possible to lose sight of what Christmas is supposed to commemorate: The birth and glorious incarnation of the Lord Jesus Christ, God the Son, the Second Person of the Divine Trinity (Isaiah 7:14, Matthew 1, Luke 2 and Philippians 2).

In our postmodern and entertainment driven superficial world where most people care more about the latest titillating morsel of banal gossip surrounding Jessica Simpson or Brad Pitt, where image and style triumphs over truth and substance, we as Biblical Evangelicals must fight against the tendency to conform to the worlds values and expectations.

While many Evangelicals can name Jennifer Aniston’s latest hair color or the latest titles of movies and other entertainment venues, very few of us can present a Biblical defense of the doctrine of the Trinity; a crucial teaching, of vital importance to every believer in Jesus Christ.

Today, I would like to ask the readers of this essay if they could demonstrate from the Bible, what the Word of God says about the Trinity? Can you demonstrate to your Mormon or Jehovah Witness neighbors the relevant Biblical passages the conclusively show that there exists one true and living God and in God exists the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit? Can you show from the Bible that God the Father is a distinct person from the Son? Can you show me verses that demonstrate that Jesus Christ is God the Son and is equal with God the Father? Likewise, can you show me from the Bible, that the Holy Spirit is God and a person, distinct from God the Father and Jesus Christ who shares the same essence and nature as the Father and the Son?

If you have been a Christian for some time now and you cannot still give an adequate defense of the Trinity to your family members, Co-workers and neighbors, don’t you think the time has come?

If you would like to study the doctrine of the Trinity from an Evangelical Christian perspective and be better equipped I would like to suggest that you purchase the following books that will help equip you in articulating this essential Evangelical doctrine to those you love:

The Forgotten Trinity by Dr. James White, Bethany House Publishers.

The Trinity by Dr. Robert Morey, Christian Scholars Press.

Systematic Theology by Dr. Wayne Grudem, Zondervan Publishers.

Historic and Biblical Christianity has always believed and taught that Jesus Christ is God the Son, the Second Person of the Godhead who is co-equal with God the Father and God the Holy Spirit of whom Jesus Christ shares the same essence. The glorious truth about Christmas is that it is supposed to celebrate the incredible divine mystery, that Almighty God came into the world, in the likeness of sinful flesh as man, born of the Virgin Mary and ultimately went to the Cross for the sins of the world that those who sincerely repent of their sins and place their faith in Jesus Christ might have eternal life. Don’t you think it is time to start being able to share this truth with your unsaved family members and friends?

“But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing you may have life in His name.”
John 20:31