Monday, March 06, 2006

In America, the Only Heresy is the Truth

The Rise of Intolerant Tolerance in American Culture

An Essay About Western Culture

By Lee Edward Enochs

Then Pilate said to him, "So you are a king?" Jesus answered, "You say that I am a king. For this purpose I was born and for this purpose I have come into the world--to bear witness to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth listens to my voice." Pilate said to him, "What is truth?"

(John 18:37-38)

In America and Western Europe, the truth might hurt you or others might hurt you because you hold to the truth.

Postmodernism, the prevailing and predominate ideological worldview of most people residing with contemporary American and European civilization, espouses the abjectly relativistic view that traditional Western conceptions of reality, morality and propositional truth are only arbitrary sociological constructions of a bygone jingoistic ethos long since deemed passé. The militant secularist and anti-Christian purveyors of the contemporary postmodern worldview have been highly successful in indoctrinating collective American and European civilization that tolerance and acceptance of every conceivable idea and lifestyle, irrespective of how illogical and morally repugnant, must now be accepted by society at large.

The secularist agenda and politically correct ‘thought police’, (an ideological Gestapo) are now attempting to force us how to think, believe and act and have carefully and successfully conditioned us through the deviant and bankrupt public education system and entertainment industry, to accept every worldview except, Bible based Evangelical Christianity. The resultant effect of this colossal secularist hijacking of contemporary culture is that now, the only heresy in America is the truth.

Almost every conceivable deviant sexual practice is now touted by secular society as being acceptable and the postmodern forces at be, are attempting to force all citizens within the North America Hemisphere and European continent to accept deviant lifestyles such as homosexuality or run the risk of being called a Fundamentalist Obstructionist, one who holds intolerant religious and political views that impede the progress and enlightenment of society. Already, in some Western countries such as very liberal contemporary Canada and Scandinavia, punitive legal measures or being exercised against Evangelicals Christians who speak the truth against this intolerant “tolerance” that attempts to force its citizens to accept ideas and lifestyle practices that the Bible calls sinful.

Evangelicals and cultural conservatives that buck this trend of accepting societal and sexual deviancy are being marginalized and castigated as Neanderthal-like in their outlook on life. If American and European Evangelicals are not careful and fail to act and speak out against this call for postmodern tolerance of unbiblical ideas and lifestyles, we run the risk of allowing the militant Anti-Christian secularist forces to take us down a path that most certainly lead to unbridled persecution and political tyranny reminiscent of Nazi Germany, Soviet Russia and modern day Communist China, where opposition to the ideology of the State is entirely suppressed.

Evangelical Christians must call contemporary society back to the ethical standards of the Bible and with uncompromising Biblical conviction, preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ as the only hope for our world or run the risk of being forced into accepting the obviously self-refuting, contradictory and self-defeating ideology known as “tolerant” Postmodernism.

This relativistic view postulates that nothing in Western Culture is wrong accept the teachings of Jesus Christ as found in the Bible. Make no mistakes about it folks, there is currently a massive cultural war taking place and many secularists are making the argument that there is no heresy in the world accept the truth.

Will you stand up for the truth of Jesus Christ and His Word or be forced to accept the intolerant “tolerance” of the anti-Christian secularist- postmodern agenda that is destroying America ?

Jesus Christ, the Son of Almighty God died on the cross and rose again from the dead to give men and women eternal life, will you take a stand for the Gospel of Christ in America today?

The time is now to stand up for God and preach the Gospel of Christ, the only hope in a civilization that teeters on the brink of destruction. Will you stand up for Christ and be counted faithful in your generation? The time is now, the day is today, there might be no tomorrows.