Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Los Angeles Time Article on DNA and the Book of Mormon

Last Friday, the Los Angeles Times featured a major front page article (two page article) on the DNA Controversy that is rocking the Mormon Church at it's very foundations.

In recent decades the Mormon Church has made many converts throughout Central and South America largerly through the LDS claim that the the inhabitants of Central and South America are direct decendants of the Lamanites who came from Israel and populated the southern part of the North American hemisphere according to the Book of Mormon.

In fact, this claim of the Mormon Church has helped convert 4 million Central and South Americans to the Mormon Church, roughly one third of the total Mormon population world wide. Many South and Central Americans have taken great pride that they are mentioned in the Book of Mormon and the LDS Church has been incredibly successful with this Evangelistic strategy in that part of the world.

However, through the percise science of DNA research which is 99.5% accurate, is has been conclusively demonstrated that there is no possibility that the inhabitants of South and Central America are related to the semetic Israelites, rather DNA evidence demonstrated that the current inhabitants of South and Central America descended from the Asian hemisphere and not Israel as the Book of Mormon falsely alleges.

The current firestorm in the Mormon Church regarding DNA is rocking the LDS Church to its very core and many people are leaving the Mormon Church.

I want to encourage everyone concerned about the claims of the Mormon Church to watch the video called "DNA vs. the Book of Mormon" which can be purchased at:

Sincerely in Christ,

Ed Enochs