Saturday, December 31, 2005

God Wins a Great Victory in the Trinity Debate!

"That all should honor the Son even as they honor the Father, He who does not honor the Son, does not honor the Father who sent Him" (John 5:23).

Dear Family and Friends,

Last night was by far the greatest night in my entire life!

Nothing compares with what happened last night!!!

Glory to God in the Highest!

Glory to God Almighty!

"That all the earth might know the Lord is God there is no other" (1 Kings 8:60).

Nothing, nothing, nothing compares with the incredible jubilation and absolute God glorifying joy I have in my heart for what happened in that debate last night.

Against all odds, when many people did not give us a chance, we won the debate for the glory of God!

Like the Cinderella man, we were able to beat the odds and win a debate!!!

As many of you have now heard or attended last night's classic four hour long Trinity debate held at the First Congregational Church in down town Riverside, the debate was a stunning success!

The historic Christian doctrine of the Trinity was defended, the heretical doctrines of the Unitarians were crushed and utterly defeated, the Gospel was preached in it's entirety and Almighty God was glorified.

In the last 24 hours, we have received so, so much positive feedback from the audience, saying we most definitely won the debate. We want to let everyone know that we greatly appreciate all the love, prayers, fasting, encouragement and incredible support so many of you gave us last night. It was just incredible!

To all who attended the debate last night, thank you so very much for all your love and support! We could not have done this without all of you! Thank You! Thank You!

I want to personally thank my great Brothers and debate partners Pastors Gabe and Mike from DC Fellowship in Moreno Valley for standing with me for the truth of the Gospel last night, you guys did awesome! Let's do this everyone month you guys!

I also want to thank the incredible Bible scholar and apologist Dr. Robert Morey, pastor of Faith Community Church and leader of the Faith Defenders Ministry for personally training us and supporting us in this debate. Dr. Morey carefully instructed us point for point on how to structure the debate and we owe much of our success last night to Dr. Morey's insightful mentor-ship in life and in this debate. We love you Dr. Bob! Thanks a million! We also want to thank Clark, Dr. Morey's assistant for his encouragement in this ministry for the glory of God.

I also want to thank up and coming apologist and evangelist Luis Zepeda who faithfully does open air preaching in Santa Monica each Friday night for assisting us carefully in this debate as well.

I also want to thank Pastor Trent Douglass of Calvary Chapel Saving Grace for supporting me in this debate.

I also want to thank my close friends Mike Misekow, Emilio and Trisha Ramos, Todd Hoffman, Mark Spence, Steve Wilson, Joe Horner and kids, Joe, Jelena and Josh Wright, Abraham, Jimmy, Phil, Brandon, Liz, Esperanza and everyone else (sorry to forget to mention you) :)

Several videos were produced last night and when the final product is out, we will be able to offer it for sale to help the ministry of Dr. Morey, DC Fellowship and the New Evangelical Debate Society we are forming.

I need to speak to Pastors Mike and Gabe about the videos and the future of our debate team. We definitely plan on debating much more in the weeks and months ahead!

But above all, we want to thank and give all the glory back to Almighty God for the incredible victory last night! Thank You God for saving us and showing us the truth about your Triune nature.

Whew! I am out of breath! Thanks again everyone! It was awesome! We love you all. as John Piper says. God is most glorified when we are most satisfied in Him.

Jesus Christ is Lord and God!

Jude 3

1 Peter 3:15

I love you all so very, very much,

Brother Ed Enochs,

Trinity Debate Participant
and Sinner Saved by Grace
alone through faith alone through
Jesus Christ alone, based on the
authority of the Bible alone, for
the maximum glory of the Trinitarian
Almighty God alone both now