Sunday, December 18, 2005

Theological Reflections

"So then, faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of Christ" (Romans 10:17).

Thoughts and Theological Reflections:

-Less than two weeks away from the Trinity debate in Riverside. By God's sovereign grace, I will be ready.

--Went to Joshua Tree national park yesterday, incredible display of God's glory.

--Must become more disciplined in my personal life to become the theologian that I know God has called me to be.

--Must live a life of holiness more now than ever before to be the Christian God has called me to be.

---Must separate from this world (1 John 2:15-20).

--Must be a testimony for Christ.

--Jesus calls us to deny ourselves and take up our Crosses and follow Him in a radical walk of true discipleship.

--The time has come to repent and follow Almighty God in radical commitment.

--No time to lose, life is short, the time is now, to follow Christ!